Monday, October 8, 2012

The Good, The Bad and The Tortilla

Ok so my title is bad and I feel bad....

We had veggies in a tortilla for the third week in a row. This time it was sweet potato and black bean flautas. I am really tired of tortillas. I am going to be scouring the Internet for something...anything!....meatless that does not go anywhere NEAR a tortilla! Any suggestions?

I just finished my first kickboxing class. I thought the other class I was taking was hard! This one may kill me! It's only once every week though, and then I can only come every other week because of other schedule conflicts. I've lost 20 pounds though and I hope to keep it going. I'm seriously considering coming at the crack of dawn to get on a bike! I'm officially crazy!

Tomorrow is my Dad's birthday. Or it would be. If he was still here. I don't think about it too much but last week in our Bible study discussion we talked about unfulfilled longings. We talked about how some longings will never be fulfilled this side of Heaven. Somebody told me it was easy for me to say that. And it hit me like a ton of bricks. Dad. I had asked God to let him stay here longer but God's will was different. It was a long road to the place where I accepted that I can't see the big picture like God can and He really does know what's going on. But I got there. Then last week it slapped me in the face again. A fresh wave of grief. It kinda dragged me down. But I'm shaking it off and remembering why I'm be a daughter of the King. To raise my kids to love Him, and hopefully be light to somebody else along the way. Dad's turn is done. He's "graduated" as my friend says. It's my time. I don't intend to disappoint.

So there you have it. The good, the bad and the tortilla (not in that order).

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