Monday, January 30, 2012

Minestrone....Round 2!

Tonight we had minestrone. I thought it would be a perfect night for soup since our crazy Louisiana weather can't make up its mind what it wants to be! Today it decided to be winter. Great soup weather! My kids gobbled up my version of veggie soup. The hubby loves it too! He was so excited to walk through the door and find a pot of soup simmering on the stove. I also made homemade yeast rolls because, well, I love bread! It is my weakness.

Now, in addition to Meatless Monday last week, I had a Meatless Wednesday! TWO days last week with not a meat in sight! I made myself a smoothie for lunch that consisted of almond milk, Greek yogurt, and banana. It was delicious! And of course, I had leftover butternut squash sauce and pasta for supper. That day I REALLY wanted french fries, but I made healthy choices instead. Still craving those french fries though....

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