Monday, December 3, 2012

Holidays....and Hind Ends

The holidays are here! This is most definitely my favorite time of the year. The cooking and the gifts and festivity...and the cooking....The feast we had for Thanksgiving this year made me so happy! The seven of us put a dent in a feast big enough for twenty! Unlike years past though, the whole experience made me happy: the delicious food, my pretty table, the dainty napkins my husband folded into a shape because he's awesome....I usually use Thanksgiving as a day to see just how far my stomach will stretch. This year, while I did indulge (and not log calories for the first day in over a month) I did NOT eat until I was sick. I just enjoyed. Everything. My family, the food. Giving thanks for all we're blessed with.

Speaking of holidays, my husband has witnessed what I'm sure he believes is a Christmas miracle. I have started tracking caloric intake....and have kept it up for over a month! He doesn't question it though. He just hands me the measuring cup when he's done....because, once again, he's awesome. I have been attending a very interesting and eye opening Bible study. One of the things that this study has helped me to realize is that, my loathing for calorie tracking and "restrictions" was rooted in rebellion. When I repented and gave it over to God, I started tracking my calories and with a positive attitude! It's astonishing what God will show you if you actually, honestly look!

I have not lost any more weight recently but I HAVE been rearranging the landscape a bit. My husband says he notices a tuck in my waist. The biggest change I have noticed has to do with my rear. It has lost its shelf-like shape and actually resembles, dare I say it? A butt! It's weird. I woke up one day and there it was....And I do apologize to those of you who know me in person and will now not be able to control the urge to examine said fanny perpendicular. I've been going to the gym three days a week; logging a lot of miles on the exercise bike. I just got done with a kickboxing class this evening. I kept having to hike up my pants. Maybe I should start saving for a new pair. It will not do to moon the poor unsuspecting ladies in class!

Tonight, for dinner we had pan seared shrimp, oven roasted sweet potatoes and green beans. It was good, but what surprised me was that I THOUGHT in my HEAD that it sounded good. Usually I would have thought "that sounds healthy". I actually thought though "mmm. That sounds good!" Have I begun to reprogram my brain to crave better food? Interesting thought...

With the leftover turkey, I made a delicious Mexican-spiced soup with lots of veggies. Go look for it on the recipe tab. Seriously, it makes my belly happy!

And there you have it, my ramblings about holidays and hind ends....